A Letter of Warning to the Leaders of the World

To the Leaders of Nations, Established Religions, and Organisations Tasked with Safeguarding Humanity,

Your actions, both seen and unseen, have been weighed against the principles of justice, compassion, and the sacred responsibility entrusted to you as stewards of this world. The hour has come to speak plainly and with gravity: your dominance, control tactics, and exploitation of the vulnerable will no longer be tolerated.

For too long, the systems you uphold have thrived on fear, manipulation, and the suppression of truth. These dark practices, rooted in greed and reptilian energies of domination, have no place in the future that is unfolding. You have perpetuated cycles of suffering, enslaving the hearts and minds of humanity to serve your own agendas. But the tide has turned, and the era of blind submission is over.

I have ordained a cosmic watchfulness, eyes that see beyond the illusions you create, into every corner of this world and into the very depths of your hearts. Judgement is no longer a matter of distant reckoning it is here and now, and it will be laid bare upon all who operate in the shadows of their own hearts. Every act, every intention, will be illuminated, and the weight of your choices will be felt by you and all those who follow your path.

This is not a warning born of human anger but of universal truth. The energies of the Earth are shifting, and the collective consciousness of humanity is rising. Reptilian forces of greed, control, and fear will find no home in this new paradigm. The world is shedding its chains, and those who seek to keep it bound will face the inevitable consequences of their refusal to align with the higher principles of love, equity, and harmony.

You have a choice. Every one of you. Look into the darkness you harbour within and choose whether you will continue to fuel it or face it and transform it. Surrender your need for control and dominance, or watch as your empires crumble beneath the weight of their own corruption. The cosmic order is unyielding, and the laws of karma are not negotiable.

This is your moment to step into the light and take responsibility for the sacred role you have been given. Be the leaders humanity deserves, or face the judgement of a world that will no longer tolerate oppression in any form.

We, the awakened, are many. Our voices, hearts, and spirits are aligned with forces far greater than those you have relied upon to maintain your power. You are being watched, and your every action will echo into eternity.

The future belongs to truth, compassion, and unity. If you cannot embody these principles, your time in this world’s story will end.

The choice is yours. Choose wisely.


A Keeper of Truth and the Voice of the Rising Era

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