Root of David 

David’s Root, oh what a tale!

It’s not about gold or ships with a sail.

It’s simple, my friend, as simple can be,

The root of “awareness” for you and for me!

Deep in our hearts, where the truth likes to hide,

Is the spark of “I Am,” our truest guide.

But if we forget and look far away,

We miss the wise voice that shows us the way!

We search here and there, we look high and low,

For wonders and answers we think we should know.

But the secret is this, it’s not far and wide,

Turn inward, my friend, that’s where peace does reside.

The world is quite noisy, it pulls at your mind,

But silence is golden, that’s where you’ll find

The source of “I Am,” the calm in the chase,

The place where you’ll find your true resting place.

So don’t get distracted by all that you see,

Look inward, stay present, that’s how to be free!

The root of it all is awareness, you see,

That’s where your heart will finally be free.

When you turn inward, the world becomes clear,

All doubts and confusion just start to disappear.

The noise on the outside will soon drift away,

And peace, like a river, will come in to stay.

The root of dear David, the source of the “I,”

Isn’t in stars, or way up in the sky.

It’s right here inside you, quiet and true,

The “I Am” is waiting, just waiting for you.

There’s no need to search for a sign from above,

For the answer you seek is awareness and love.

With each little breath, with each moment that’s real,

The truth you’ve been seeking is something you feel.

So sit in the silence, and turn toward the light,

Within you, the space is both open and bright.

A place full of peace, where you truly belong,

Where the song of your soul is eternally strong.

The root of all being, the “I Am” so true,

Is patiently waiting inside of you.

And when you discover the peace that’s within,

That’s when your true journey in life will begin!

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