Second Coming

At the Second Coming, when the heavens split and Jesus descended, the powers and principalities, those unseen rulers of the world’s systems, trembled. These forces—representatives of earthly empires, spiritual dominions, and hidden authorities—had long ruled over humanity, binding men and women with promises of power, wealth, and influence. They approached Jesus, not with swords or violence this time, but with contracts, eager to trap Him in a new snare.

Each presented their offer: a formal contract, dressed in legal language and backed by the weight of their authority. They sought to bind Him to their causes, to own a part of Him, just as they had done with kings and rulers throughout history. Some wanted to claim His divine power for their own kingdoms, while others sought to manipulate His message, twisting it to fit their agendas. They hoped to carve out their own piece of Jesus, each imagining themselves as the chosen partner to wield His might.

But just as in the wilderness when He rejected the temptations of Satan, Jesus saw through their schemes. He stood firm in His divine authority, knowing that no power could own Him or His mission. He was not a commodity to be divided or an instrument for their games of power. The contracts they offered were nothing more than illusions, filled with empty promises, trying to control what could not be controlled.

With righteous fury, Jesus once again drove them away, just as He had driven the money-changers from the temple long ago. He swept them off the spiritual stairways of the temples of their influence, their false altars crumbling beneath His feet. No contract, no promise of power, no manipulation could sway Him from His true purpose. The forces that had ruled with deception and corruption for so long were powerless against the true King of Kings.

In that moment, the principalities were reminded that Jesus could never be claimed or owned, for He came not to align with the powers of this world but to dismantle them. His victory over them was complete, and the gates of their dominions began to crumble as the light of truth and justice shone through.

In the end, the Second Coming was not just a moment of divine return but a reminder to the powers of this world that their dominion was fleeting. Jesus stood, as He always had, above the schemes of men and spirits alike, sovereign and free, bringing justice, mercy, and the kingdom of God that no power or principality could ever own.

When the powers of the world tried to bind Him with their contracts, Jesus tore them apart, reminding all that true divinity cannot be owned or controlled. No agreement can claim what belongs only to the eternal.

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