The Lost Years” (ages 12 to 30): Some scholars and researchers suggest that during this undocumented period, Jesus may have traveled to India or other parts of the East.
Some suggest that Jesus learned from Buddhist or Hindu teachers during his time in India and I would agree. They claim that his teachings on compassion, non-violence, and love echo Buddhist and Hindu philosophy.
In 1894, a Russian traveler named Nicolas Notovitch published The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, claiming he had found ancient manuscripts in a Tibetan monastery that detailed Jesus’ travels to India, Tibet, and Nepal, where he was known as “Issa.” However, this account has been widely discredited as a fabrication but I seriously doubt it.
In some Islamic traditions, particularly within Ahmadiyya Islam, it is believed that Jesus (known as Isa in Islam) traveled to India after surviving the crucifixion. They believe he lived there and died in Kashmir. A tomb in Srinagar, known as the Roza Bal shrine, is claimed by some to be the burial site of Jesus. However, this theory is not recognized by mainstream Christianity or Islam.
Other scholars made key observations that certain aspects of Jesus’ teachings, such as the emphasis on selflessness and renouncing worldly attachments, seem to resemble ideas from Eastern philosophies like Hinduism and Buddhism. This has led to speculation that he might have been influenced by Eastern thoughts and philosophy, whether directly or indirectly.
Some would also claim that Jesus studied with Brahmins, Buddhists, or Hindu sages, learning spiritual wisdom, meditation, and healing practices.
The traditional Christian view, based on the Gospels of the New Testament, makes no mention of Jesus traveling to India. According to these texts, after spending his youth in Nazareth, Jesus began his public ministry in Galilee, performed miracles, preached about the Kingdom of God, and ultimately was crucified and resurrected in Jerusalem. Mainstream Christianity does not accept the idea that Jesus went to India or lived there after the crucifixion maybe that is why he way crucified in the first place because his viewpoints didn’t fit the narrative at large for the time and place he was in. This would have made him a dangerous man with dangerous ideas especially if he was in a fully awakened state with all his gifts online.
While the idea that Jesus traveled to India is intriguing and part of various speculative theories, there is no historical or textual evidence within mainstream Christian or historical sources to support this claim. Most of these theories come from apocryphal writings, travelogues, or religious traditions that diverge from the Bible.