I find it funny how addictions such as smoking weed, drinking alcohol, doing drugs and over consumption of medicine and many more things even sugar, people are happy to pay for there there own slow execution.
What a wonderful world of customer service drug dealing really is.
Hello Mate, let me sell you a slice of death. You’ll enjoy it. It’s got a funny weird name. It’s not enough to kill you, but it’ll get you close enough to death so whatever old blood vampire 🩸 family I serve “because quite frankly I’ve got no idea. I’m just a low level henchman and have no idea my body was hijaked” will be able to suck the ABSOLUTE life out of you. 😜
But don’t worry if we can’t feed on you that way we have many ritualistic ways and symbolic offers that will allow us to poke loads of holes 🕳️ in your aura.
If that fails we have the good old faithful, the sympathy card and fake sorry, Please 🙏 drop your defence’s but if it gets this far then it’s clear we are FOOKING starving.
When your keeping fit and healthy looking after yourself cleaning spiritually taking care of you, whatever it is you do, cleaning your house going for walks. Thease are the protective rituals to clean your body and home spaces.
When your energy vibes high enough the lower realm spirit cannot attach. I have been riddled with lower realm spirits and had to cast them out one by one. They come back to check on you every now and again because they don’t leave a good resource alone they want to see if they can get back in for another feast especially if your energy was yummy 🤤 drool.
At some point, you have to build the mental construct of vampires and apply to people even though they are just people because otherwise they will keep draining you it’s that simple, so the human brain forms an archetype construct in order to save you because we’ve seen it in films so the seeds have been laid in our subconscious mind from preliminary programming since our childhood.
Every time someone rises to challenge the status quote there is violence and resentment because people either don’t like change or they want change in a different context or direction, or just enjoy it where there are.
The way we have been conditioned to think, feel & communicate is disturbing 😳 to say the least just look at politics what a shit show that is.
Setup by the royal families as a smoke screen so they can rule from the shadows, it is all very disturbing stuff. Then there are layers of bureaucracy to ensure people get lost in the labyrinth of ignorance or doubt.
Truth is a costly business in this world of smoke and illusion, but whatever they take from us, they take from themself, because it returns when you send it out.