The Eternal Betrayal – How Power is Stolen Across Eons

Throughout history, great forces of wisdom, revolution, and liberation have risen, only to be betrayed, erased, and repurposed by the very systems they sought to dismantle. The pattern is unmistakable:

1. A figure or movement emerges that challenges authority.

2. They are betrayed, often by those closest to them.

3. Their teachings or power are hijacked and repackaged.

4. Their message is rewritten to serve the very system they opposed.

This cycle of stolen power is not a coincidence; it is a deliberate strategy used by rulers, religious institutions, and governments to maintain control.

The First Betrayals: Anubis & Jesus

The earliest records of this cycle can be traced to Anubis, the original guardian of souls. Before Osiris was given dominion over the afterlife, it was Anubis who ensured balance. Yet, through political and religious maneuvering, Anubis was stripped of his authority, his image distorted, and his wisdom buried.

Jesus Christ, too, was a revolutionary figure who challenged both religious and political oppression. His teachings of direct access to the divine made priests and temples unnecessary, a threat to the power of Rome and the temple elite. He was betrayed by his own circle, executed as an enemy of the state, and his message was later absorbed into the very empire that killed him. The radical teachings of self-sovereignty were replaced with dogma that emphasized obedience and submission.

The Intellectual & Scientific Betrayals

The cycle is not just spiritual, it extends to philosophy, science, and political revolutions.

• Socrates, who encouraged free thought and questioned authority, was executed by the very society he sought to enlighten.

• Hypatia of Alexandria, one of the greatest scientists of her time, was murdered by a religious mob who saw her knowledge as a threat.

• Nikola Tesla, who sought to bring free energy to the world, had his funding cut and his inventions buried, ensuring that corporations maintained control over global energy systems.

Political Leaders & Movements Turned Against Themselves

This betrayal extends into politics, where leaders who sought real change were systematically eliminated or undermined.

• Julius Caesar, who sought to reform Rome, was stabbed to death by his own senators.

• Joan of Arc, after leading France to victory, was abandoned by her own allies and burned as a heretic.

• Malcolm X, who broke away from corrupt leadership within the Nation of Islam, was assassinated by members of his own former movement, while under government surveillance.

Every time a leader or movement begins to shake the foundations of control, a betrayal occurs. But it is never just an external enemy, the betrayal always comes from within.

The Religious & Cultural Erasure

This same pattern is seen in entire spiritual movements and civilizations.

• The Cathars, a Christian sect that preached direct divine connection, were wiped out in a crusade ordered by the Vatican.

• The Mayan and Aztec civilizations, rich in esoteric wisdom, were betrayed by their own leaders who collaborated with foreign invaders. Their spiritual traditions were absorbed into Catholicism, ensuring that their knowledge was controlled.

• The divine feminine, once central in nearly every ancient civilization, was systematically erased, demonized, and suppressed, ensuring that spiritual balance was lost.

The purpose was always the same: to remove autonomy and force dependency on a ruling system.

Why This Betrayal Keeps Happening

If the same cycle has occurred in every age, it means that those in power have perfected the formula for control. The pattern of betrayal ensures that revolutionary wisdom never fully takes root.

• Revolutions become institutions.

• Rebels are turned into saints, but only after their words are rewritten.

• Knowledge is hidden, then selectively released in ways that serve power structures.

It is not just about eliminating threats, it is about absorbing them, reshaping them, and using them as weapons against future awakenings.

Why This Time Might Be Different

For the first time, the cycle is being recognized before it can fully repeat.

• Technology & information access are exposing suppressed histories.

• Old manipulative structures are cracking, unable to control the narrative like they once did.

• More people are rejecting dogma, intermediaries, and institutionalized power.

🔹 The key to breaking the cycle is awareness. If people can see the betrayal before it happens, it loses its power.

Those who rewrite history to serve their interests are now struggling to contain the truth. They fear what comes next, because for the first time in history…

…the betrayed are remembering.

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