Draining the Swamp – Or Becoming the Swamp?

I’ve never really been into politics personally, but I make a special case for this one.

When Donald Trump launched his 2016 presidential campaign, one of his most effective rallying cries was “Drain the Swamp.” It was a direct appeal to anti-establishment sentiment, promising to rid Washington of corrupt politicians, deep-state bureaucrats, and corporate elites who had been running the country for their own benefit. For many voters, this message resonated, they saw Trump as an outsider who would dismantle the elitist power structures controlling D.C.

But did Trump actually “drain the swamp” or did he become the swamp himself? If we examine his presidency and political career, we see a pattern of contradictions, where he railed against corruption while surrounding himself with the very figures he claimed to oppose.

1. The Promise: A War on Political Corruption

During his first campaign, Trump positioned himself as the ultimate anti-corruption crusader:

✔️ He criticized career politicians, accusing them of enriching themselves while ignoring ordinary Americans.

✔️ He attacked “globalists” and corporate elites, claiming they had sold out American workers.

✔️ He vowed to drain the swamp by getting rid of lobbyists, career bureaucrats, and special interest groups.

His outsider status made this promise appealing, he was a businessman, not a career politician, and his supporters believed he would break the cycle of corruption.

2. The Reality: Trump’s Own Swamp

However, once in office, Trump did the opposite of draining the swamp, he built an even murkier one. Here’s how:

A. Surrounding Himself with Lobbyists and Elites

• Despite vowing to kick lobbyists out of Washington, Trump packed his administration with them.

• Former Goldman Sachs executives like Steve Mnuchin became key figures in his economic team, contradicting his claims of fighting Wall Street influence.

• Billionaires and corporate elites gained more power under Trump, particularly through tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy.

B. Record-Level Corruption and Indictments

• Trump’s administration had one of the highest turnover rates in U.S. history, with many officials resigning due to scandals, legal issues, or internal conflicts.

• Several high-ranking Trump associates were indicted, convicted, or investigated for corruption, including:

• Paul Manafort (campaign chairman) – convicted of financial crimes.

• Michael Flynn (National Security Advisor) – lied to the FBI about Russian contacts.

• Steve Bannon (chief strategist) – arrested for fraud over a border wall fundraising scheme.

• Roger Stone (longtime ally) – convicted of lying to Congress and obstruction of justice.

• Tom Barrack (Trump fundraiser) – charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent.

C. Personal Enrichment & Self-Dealing

• Trump openly used the presidency to promote his businesses:

• He charged the government millions for Secret Service stays at Trump properties.

• He attempted to hold the G7 summit at his Doral golf resort, sparking an ethics scandal.

• Foreign dignitaries were encouraged to stay at Trump hotels, raising concerns about pay-to-play politics.

D. Pardon Scandals & Political Favoritism

• Trump weaponized the pardon system to help allies convicted of corruption:

• He pardoned Manafort, Stone, and Bannon, despite serious charges.

• He granted last-minute pardons to wealthy criminals and political donors.

• His pardon list was full of lobbyists, fundraisers, and people with personal connections.

3. Trump 2024: Running on the Same Swamp Rhetoric

Despite becoming the very thing he claimed to fight, Trump is still running on the “Drain the Swamp” slogan in 2024. However, this time, his definition of the “swamp” has changed:

• In 2016, the swamp meant lobbyists, politicians, and corporate elites.

• In 2024, he now redefines the swamp as the “Deep State” career government officials, intelligence agencies, and political opponents.

• His latest campaign focuses more on purging government agencies (DOJ, FBI, military leadership) that he believes are working against him.

This shift suggests that “draining the swamp” was never about removing corruption, it was about consolidating power for himself.

The Swamp That Grew Bigger

Trump did not drain the swamp, he made it deeper, murkier, and more self-serving than ever. Under his presidency:

• Cronyism, self-enrichment, and corruption skyrocketed.

• He stacked his administration with lobbyists, billionaires, and insiders.

• He protected and pardoned allies while attacking political opponents.

Yet, his base still buys into the narrative because he has redefined “the swamp” to fit whatever benefits him politically. In reality, Trump did not abolish the swamp, he just moved in and became its biggest alligator.

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