To the ones walking this path after me
You’re not going mad. You’re waking up. And that process? It isn’t neat, it isn’t kind, and it sure as hell isn’t gentle. You’ll lose people. You’ll gain enemies. You’ll feel the weight of things no one else even registers. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll rage against it, fight it, bargain with it, and at some point, you’ll just sit in the wreckage and ask,
“How the fuck am I still here?”

The truth is, some of us were made to see things as they really are. And once you do, you can’t unsee it. You can try, you can numb it, drown it, smoke it, run from it, but it doesn’t leave. Because it’s you. And this world? It needs people who see. Who question. Who call bullshit when something stinks.

Let’s be real here you’ll be tested. Not in some metaphorical, self-help-book way, no, I mean really tested. Energetically. Mentally. Spiritually. Physically. The ones who think they control this place? They don’t like it when something unpredictable enters the game. You’re not supposed to break free. You’re not supposed to remember. But here you are master of your own internal portals.
Your own gatekeeper.

And if you’re here, you’ve got a choice. Either keep running, trying to play a game that was never built for you, or own it. Own every ugly, painful, terrifying part of this journey. Because once you do, you realise you are the game. And the moment you stop playing by their rules, you start writing your own story.

So if you’re at that point, the one where it feels like everything is collapsing, where the people you loved turn on you, where the world suddenly seems designed to break you, breathe. I’ve been there. Many times. And I’m still here. Which means you can be too.

You don’t have to win. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. You just have to stand. Because sometimes, when your simple remain standing it is enough to shift the whole damn game.

And when you get through it, because you will, there’ll be someone else walking behind you, wondering if they’re going crazy, wondering if they should just give up. And you? You’ll be the proof that they can make it too.
Hold the line. Keep walking. The ones who see are never truly alone.