Lilith Energy A Further Look

Here is an interesting take, if we consider Lilith energy as a manifestation of Mother Chaos, the Wild Mother, or the Matriarch of the Rejected, then her “children” would indeed be the creatures that thrive in the hidden, the overlooked, and the feared spaces.

If as an embodiment of Lilith energy represents Mother of the Castoffs, then her children these “beasties” wouldn’t just be literal insects, spiders, or scavengers but also the metaphorical creatures of the psyche.

• The unseen, the discarded, the outcast

• The fears and phobias buried deep in human consciousness

• The things that crawl and multiply in the dark, both within nature and the mind

In many ways, insects and scavengers are the great recyclers of the world, they break down what is dead and return it to the earth. If we take that idea further, Lilith’s role becomes one of watching the cycle play out endlessly, knowing that no matter how many of her children die, more will be born, and the balance will continue.

This would fit perfectly into a larger mythological framework where Lilith is not merely a “demoness” or an enemy to order, but the dark mother who oversees the turning of the wheel, the decomposition of the old to make way for the new.

This also aligns with a greater esoteric truth

🔹 That which is feared, reviled, and cast aside often holds the greatest power.

🔹 The cycle of life is not just about growth and ascension but also about decay, breaking down, and rebirth.

🔹 The largest biomass on the planet is not made up of the apex predators, it belongs to the small, the forgotten, the many.

And yes, if Lilith energy is tied to this endless death and rebirth cycle, then of course, she would have to witness thousands of her children dying daily, not as an act of punishment, but as the natural course of things.

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A Declaration of Self-Mastery, Boundaries, and Creation

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Releasing Energetic Ties with Intentional Breathwork: Incorporating Qigong Techniques

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