A Story on Energy & Everything

Oh, look at this! Oh, look at that!

A rock, a tree, a tattered hat!

A shiny coin, a rusty key,

A photograph of you and me!

A crystal glows, a metal hums,

A pebble sings when rainstorm drums!

A tree stands tall, its bark so rough,

Yet inside flows the softest stuff.

Now what, you ask, do these things do?

And why, oh why, do they shape you?

Well, listen close and you shall see,

Their energy flows wild and free!


A rock is tough, it holds its ground,

It keeps its shape, it stays profound.

It whispers, “Stand up strong and true!

The world will bend, but never you!”

A crystal, though, it sings and spins,

With light that dances deep within!

It shows you things you’ve yet to find,

A mirror to your soul and mind!


A tree is rooted, firm and wide,

Yet bends when storms come roaring by.

Its bark says “Toughen! You will mend!”

Its leaves say, “Change! Grow strong, my friend!”

It speaks in whispers, hums in rings,

It lives through time and ancient things.

And when you sit beneath its shade,

You feel the peace that it has made.


A coin is motion, trade, and worth,

It moves around from birth to birth.

It hums, “Exchange! Go forth and make!

Your value grows with steps you take!”

A rusty nail, a silver spoon,

A copper wire beneath the moon

They all hold memories, lessons, and fate,

And change when time says, “Now mutate!”


A photograph is stilled in time,

A frozen thought, a past divine.

It calls, “Remember! Laugh! Or Weep!”

But never let me make you keep

A story stale, a page unturned,

For life’s for living, not for yearned!”

Old letters, rings, a childhood toy,

Each one holds pain, or love, or joy.

But what they teach, if you can see,

Is you are not just memory!


And oh! The people, big and small,

Their voices shape, their echoes call!

Their touch can soothe, their words can scar,

Yet all of them show who you are!

And concepts! Thoughts! Possibilities!

The “What ifs?”, “Maybes?”, “Could it bes?”

Each one a door, a thread, a key,

To help you grow eternally!


Inside you holds a piece of all.

The rock, the tree, the shifting sand,

The touch of time’s own guiding hand.

You are the metal, strong yet bright,

You are the crystal, filled with light!

You are the bark, you bend, don’t break,

You are the coin, the step you take!

You hold the past, you dream ahead,

You shape the world by what you’ve said.

So when you touch a thing, look deep,

And feel its energy inside you leap!

For everything that you can see,

Lives right inside of you and me.

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