The Age of Light
Ah, the light of truth, a true inconvenience for anyone unwilling to face themselves, their actions, and the effects they bring into the world. Today, so many would rather stay hidden, moving in secrecy, sowing chaos and destruction, rather than confront their own behaviors and the harm they cause. After all, in a world where the strong sit atop their thrones of suffering, the weak are simply prey, right?
Thankfully, we’re entering an era where the mechanics of these shadowy games are finally being exposed. For far too long, the few have controlled the many, spinning illusions, smoke, and mirrors to keep people in line. But those tricks are getting old, and people are waking up to them. We’re moving into an age where light leaves no room for shadows to hide. More and more people are standing up, reclaiming their own power, and expecting integrity from those who claim positions of leadership.
Imagine it! leaders actually being responsible for their actions.
The truth is, these positions of trust come with a duty that’s been overlooked for far too long. The age of light demands transparency, accountability, and the realization that power is not meant to serve the few but to honor the many. This wave of change starts within each of us, and the time to expect more is now.
We are all under the light of Karma/Darma now