Once upon a time, in a land far and wide,
There was a small child with a glow deep inside.
Her heart was all golden, her spirit was bright,
She shined like a lantern, a beacon of light.
But someone looked on, and their eyes grew quite green,
Jealous and bitter at all they had seen.
They grumbled and huffed, they just couldn’t bear
The way that she sparkled, her joy in the air.
So they whispered, “Be quiet, don’t shine quite so loud,
You should stay dim, it’s best for the crowd!”
And slowly she wondered if maybe they’re right,
So she covered her glow, hid her light out of sight.
For years she kept quiet, for years she stayed small,
Afraid of the world, afraid she might fall.
But deep down inside, a small voice would sing,
“You’re meant to shine bright, it’s your own special thing!”
So one day she paused and took a deep breath,
She’d stayed in the shadows, she’d hidden her depth.
She looked to her heart, to the glow she’d kept near,
And listened inside as her voice rang out clear:
“The world can be cold, it can grumble and groan,
It might knock you down, make you feel all alone.
It may not be kind, it may try to deceive,
But the truth of your heart is the light you must weave.”
So she stood up tall, let her glow brightly burn,
No longer afraid, she had lessons to learn.
She walked with her spirit, her heart as her guide,
And found all the joy she had hidden inside.
Now, she shines like the stars, never quiet or small,
And she knows that her glow is the best gift of all.
For when you walk true to the light in your soul,
You’re brave, you’re alive, and you’re perfectly whole.
So if someone whispers to quiet your gleam,
Remember, your glow is the heart of your dream.
Shine on, little star, through the darkness and night,
For the world becomes better when you share your light.