I resonate with the idea that in all faiths, there exists a pathway to truth, why would god be inclusive of some but not others.
Through the eyes of omnipresence it is clear to see that the spirit grants us ALL access to the divine within, as we are all part of that greater unity.
Yet, it is essential to follow the path prescribed by the spirit guide or teacher. This path is called many names across different traditions, it leads to the same inner awakening.
There are higher and lower truths, each one revealing a piece of the whole. The higher we ascend in understanding, the more we see the unity that binds them all.
Here are some names for the spirit across various religions and spiritual systems.
1. Spirit of Christ / Holy Spirit – Christianity
2. Christos – Gnostic Christianity and esoteric traditions
3. Kundalini – Hinduism and yogic traditions
4. Ruach HaKodesh – Judaism (Holy Spirit or Divine Presence)
5. Atman – Hinduism (the individual soul or spirit)
6. Prana – Hinduism and Buddhism (vital life force)
7. Qi (Chi) – Taoism and Traditional Chinese Philosophy (life energy)
8. Pneuma – Ancient Greek philosophy and early Christian thought (spirit or breath)
9. Mana – Polynesian and indigenous spiritualities (spiritual power or essence)
10. Orenda – Iroquois and other Native American traditions (spiritual force in all living things)
11. Shekinah – Kabbalah and mystical Judaism (the feminine aspect of divine presence)
12. Barakah – Islam (spiritual blessings or divine grace)
13. Dharma – Buddhism (universal law, but also spiritual essence and righteousness)
14. Tiratana (Three Jewels) – Buddhism (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha; where the Dharma is seen as the guiding spirit of truth)
Each of these concepts represents a different culture’s understanding of the divine spirit, the life force, or the sacred presence that guides and transforms us. They are all the various ways to engage with the deeper reality of God or the divine within and around us all.
Jesus, in his pursuit of spiritual understanding, traveled to many corners of the world to learn from and teach different traditions. If we accept that the spirit, by various names, Christos, Kundalini, Ruach, Qi, exists across all faiths, then it makes sense that Jesus sought to uncover the universal truths shared by humanity.
This helped him connect with the divine in many ways as each culture had different so called keys or lessons about the greater understanding of a universal whole. This would definitely explain some of them so called “lost years” of Jesus’ life.
By traveling to different lands and integrating these universal teachings, Jesus would have deepened his understanding of the spirit’s many forms. His message, therefore, transcended a single religion, embodying a broader spiritual truth, that the path to God lies in awakening the spirit within, whatever name or tradition it takes.
This journey of Jesus reflects the understanding that all spiritual systems are interconnected, each offering a unique route prescribed by the spirit toward inner truth, love, and unity with the divine.