The Brave Cat

There once was a cat, battered and bruised,

With scars on its body, all scratched and abused.

Its fur was all matted, its tail had a bend,

But deep in its heart, it just wanted a friend.

Out on the streets, it was a fighter so tough,

Life had been hard, and the world was rough.

It scrapped and it clawed, through the night and the day,

But when it came home, it just wanted to stay.

For at home there was love, so warm and so sweet,

Where soft hands would stroke it and give it a treat.

The wounds on its body, they didn’t compare,

To the love in its heart that was waiting right there.

No matter the cuts, the welts, or the pain,

At home, with its family, it felt whole again.

It purred and it snuggled, it knew something true—

Love ran far deeper than what it went through.

And just like the cat, we all have our scars,

From battles in life that can take us so far.

We fight and we struggle, through hardships and strife,

But there’s more to this journey, this walk we call life.

Our souls may be weary, our hearts may be torn,

Yet love and connection can help us be reborn.

For no matter the wounds that we carry inside,

Love and affection are where we can hide.

So remember, dear friend, when life feels too rough,

And the journey is long, and the road is tough,

That like the brave cat who found peace in the end,

Love is the answer, the healer, the friend.

No matter the battles, no matter the fight,

Love always finds a way to make things right.

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