There once was a surfer, bold and true,
Who’d ride every wave, no matter how blue.
The ocean would roar, the winds would howl,
But the surfer just smiled, with a bright, happy jowl!
When the waves grew big, and the clouds turned gray,
He’d grip his board tight, and ride on his way.
The waves may crash and the winds may scream,
But the surfer just thought, “This isn’t a dream!”
For emotions are waves, they rise and they fall,
Sometimes they’re big, and sometimes they’re small.
But just like the surfer, who rides with delight,
You can ride through your feelings, and keep your heart light.
When anger comes crashing, like a giant, big wave,
You can paddle on through, and be strong, and be brave.
When sadness rolls in, like a storm in the sky,
Just remember, dear friend, it’ll pass by and fly.
The surfer would smile, as the waves kept on crashing,
With each new emotion, he’d keep on dashing.
For with every wave, no matter how steep,
The surfer would learn that emotions can’t keep.
So when the waves of feeling come over your head,
Just ride them with courage, and you’ll never dread.
With balance and strength, you’ll make it through,
Just like the surfer, the the skill is in you!